Deluxe Room
Deluxe Room Pool View features a view overlooking the expansive swimming pool. With a spacious room area of 35 sqm, with either a king-size bed (6 feet) or two single beds (4 feet) configuration, a private balcony table and chairs, a separate shower stall, and a bathtub with standard bath amenities.

Featured Amenities
- King size (6ft)
or twin beds (4ft) - 42 inches
LCD TV - Living
chair - Free
WIFI Internet - IDD Telephone
with voice mail - City
view - Complimentary
tea & coffee - Sprinkler
system - Electronic Safe
deposit box - Alarm
clock - Reading
lamp - Kettle or dripping
coffee machine - Bathroom
fittings - Hairdryer
- Bathtub
and separate shower stall - Magnifying mirror
and seating area