Duplex Room
Comfortable room contained 2 levels with 53 square meters, front terrace provides with huge bathtub and relaxing chair, overlooking the gardens or swimming pool. Decorated and furnished in modern local color style. A wooden staircase leads to the upper floor where the master bedroom and balcony are located. The spacious lower floor features a living room, bathroom, toilet and all other amenities that will ensure you a pleasant stay.
Duplex Room : 3 Rooms

Featured Amenities
- King size (7ft)
or twin beds (3.5ft) - 42 inches
LCD TV - Living
chair - Free
WIFI Internet - IDD Telephone
with voice mail - Pool View
or Garden View - Complimentary
tea & coffee - Sprinkler
system - Electronic Safe
deposit box - Reading
lamp - Kettle or dripping
coffee machine - Bathroom
fittings - Hairdryer
- Bathtub
and separate shower stall - Magnifying mirror
and seating area